And then you suck a dragon's boobs...

Like most cheat sites, CheatPlanet is driven by user submissions. While most of the submissions contain immensely valuable cheats and hints (and we love you for submitting them), some of them are total crap. Total, complete, utter, ridiculous crap. And yeah, it’s someone’s job to wade through this pool of randomly typed characters, 1337 speak, and profanity to rescue the useful game knowledge floating around beneath the surface.

To get to the point: occasionally this pool reveals a true gem - a cheat so stupid, juvenile, or ridiculous that our brains melt while attempting to comprehend the kind of person who could have spewed such atrocious word vomit into our cheat submission form. Naturally, we started printing and archiving them, and as the stack of idiocy thickened, it became known as the book of “CheatPlanet All-Starz.” The following are some of our favorites, as well as the response from the CheatPlanet editors.