Trailer Trash Week 3

Dragon's Lair HD Trailer

The first game for your Xbox 360 HD DVD drive is here, and it's... Dragon's Lair? Microsoft's latest don't-need-it upgrade (we're looking at you, Vista) will have to wait for its killer app. We're left scratching our heads about releasing it on HD DVD, when every other Dragon's Lair-era game is going to XBLA? Must be all those volumetric textures and vertex shaders, right? We can only count ourselves lucky that they didn't decide to release Halo 3 exclusively on HD DVD and really force our hand.

The first game for your Xbox 360 HD DVD drive is here, and it's... Dragon's Lair? Microsoft's latest don't-need-it upgrade (we're looking at you, Vista) will have to wait for its killer app. We're left scratching our heads about releasing it on HD DVD, when every other Dragon's Lair-era game is going to XBLA? Must be all those volumetric textures and vertex shaders, right? We can only count ourselves lucky that they didn't decide to release Halo 3 exclusively on HD DVD and really force our hand.