Gaming's most incongruous weapons

Torque Bow from Gears of War
Another entry in the "we all love bows and wouldn't it be cool to have one in our game?" category. I'll at least give Turok a reprieve for being a Native American warrior and the tek-bow being relatively easy to use. What Marcus Fenix and the Locusts (great name for a rock band, by the way) are doing with a bow is beyond me. Yeah, the arrows do a lot of damage, but couldn't you figure out how to put a grenade launcher on your rifle? The aiming system isn't easy to master either, making it one of the least effective weapons in multiplayer.

Any machine gun in any fantasy series
I don't care if you're Warcraft or Warriors: Orochi, machine guns don't belong in fantasy games. The entire reason that people stopped parading around in armor was because missile weapons (crossbows, matchlocks, muskets, and the like) made even the heaviest steel seem like tinfoil. Fantasy worlds, especially ones that borrow heavily from Tolkien and Lewis, shouldn't try to overreach their worlds with ordnance that clearly doesn't belong. If you're introducing guns into your medieval-era fantasy world, why not also include aliens, jetpacks, and time-travel? And an Ovaltine power-up?

Runner up - Halo: The Gravity Hammer
A hammer that does splash damage like a waterballoon? Sounds great. Sounds like something from Everquest.

May 30, 2008