Dead Space

Even with the short bit we saw, we've got to hand it to the developers for creating an environment of pure, unadulterated terror. The demo, evoked goosebumps, shivers, and according to Nintendo Editor Brett Elston, even a little pee. The level of ambient claustrophobia was on par with some of our favorite unsettling moments in Event Horizon, the original Alien, and if we're lucky maybe even a little Jason X. (Joking, people.)

Above: Just when we thought fatboy was down for the count, his stomach burst open and spewed forthlegions of bloodthirsty parasites we had to shake off and stomp to death

Deep Space's release date isn't coinciding with any movie opening or seasonal sports kick off so it should get all the attention and time it deserves to blossom into something deliciously grisly. And despite the fact that we won't be seeing until late in 2008, the third level we demoed glistened with a remarkably polished playability. The developers emphasized that they were taking the utmost time and care to comb through the game section by section, so there is a small chance that you could be playing a chunk of Deep Space's original gore sooner rather than later.
