Crackdown - multiplayer hands-on

By building Crackdown from day one with cooperative play in mind, the developers are poised to provide 360 owners with a completely unique take on the "sandbox" game. If they can work out a few kinks- the wonky targeting that constantly locked onto our partner (as if it wasn't tempting enough to shoot him already!) and the repetitive appearance of all the enemies- they could have a big hit on Xbox Live.

Fortunately, they have plenty of time, as the game doesn't ship until Spring 2007. Unfortunately, that means you have plenty of time to sit and wait. Make it easier by checking out our new images and multiplayer video, located under the corresponding tabs above.

Charlie Barratt
I enjoy sunshine, the company of kittens and turning frowns upside down. I am also a fan of sarcasm. Let's be friends!