PlayStation Network will be offline Thursday, world will (probably) remain intact

Sony has announced it'll be taking the PlayStation Network offline for routine scheduled maintenance tomorrow between 8 and 10. You probably had plans for that evening anyway, right? No, that's 8am to 10pm PST – whatever Sony's up to, it's taking 14 hours to do it. Though PSN users are understandably jumpy after this year's unpleasantness, make like the Hitchhiker's Guide and Don't Panic.

Above: Whoever you're planning on shooting, they'll still be around on Friday

The maintenance, as per usual, will take console access to the PSN Store offline, as well as PSN account management and registration. You'll probably not be able to get online for playing during that time either, though Sony says “some users” might get lucky. You don't get to be one of the biggest electronics conglomerates in the world with glass-half-empty thinking, after all.

If you're planning on snapping up some discount titles, then, grab 'em now or stay up past bedtime on Thursday. If your interest is mainly in the probably-inaccessible joys of online play, may we suggest spending the day taking in the beauty of the great outdoors? Or, screw it, just put in some solid hours on Skyrim or one of those other single-player titles you may have been neglecting.