6 life lessons to be learnt from Dead Rising 2

Looking to a game concerning the zombie apocalypse for advice might initially seem as sensible as necking a bottle of drain cleaner or discussing race relations with Mel Gibson. But peer a little deeper and Capcom’s undead slayer, and its bum-chinned protagonist Chuck Greene, are actually valuable fonts of wisdom for your daily life.

What follows are six of the sagest nuggets you can pick up, plus – just so you know that we’re doing this all scientific, like – evidence of them already being put into effective practice in reality. (That’s the thing that happens when you turn your console off.) And hey, if they’re good enough for Lady Gaga then surely they’re good enough for you…

1. Reality TV is evil

As seen in DR2:

As seen IRL:

As seen in DR2:

As seen IRL:

As seen in DR2:

As seen IRL: