World of Nintendo

11)World’s tiniest Tetris
It’s incredibly dinky. In fact, unless you’ve got your monitor set to the lowest possible resolution, you might have trouble finding it on the web page. But it is there, stacking blocks like a champ.

12)Incredible LEGO Wii
It can’t be that hard to make a LEGO model of a Wii. But adding a flip-up lid and putting a scene from Wii Sports inside is truly creative. Why is he playing tennis with a gun?

13)DS of the future
It’s the handheld that does everything except follow you around on wheels… until now. For a mere $99 you can order a kit that will turn your DS into Robocop’s little brother. You can add a laser pointer or, if you’re feeling homicidal, a lethal syringe like in the Tom Selleck movie Runaway.