White Knight Story outclasses all other RPGs

19) The controls are being kept as simple as possible. Other than the analogue stick, the only button you'll need to press during battles is X.

20) But White Knight Story isn't a dumbed-down, mind-numbing exercise in button-bashing. Far from it. When a fight is initiated, you're taken to the Battle Prep screen where you can choose a set of seven commands to a Palette for each character in your party.

21) This actually makes battles highly tactical, with your choice of palettes absolutely crucial depending on the number and type of enemy faced. Everyone in your party is equally important, and it means you can't just rely on the White Knight - though he does get his own separate palette.

22) You'll be able to take direct control of any character in your party at any time during a battle. The commands you issue each of your party with may also be linked together, allowing you to create combo attacks.

23) Characters can team up to perform special combo attacks. We've already seen Lenard holding an enemy while female party member Yudie, who comes from the same village as Lenard, lays into him. That's teamwork!

24) If you thought the knights looked big, wait until you see the scale of some of the bosses. They'll be introduced via cutscenes, and one that's already caught the eye is a flaming insect-like creature that looks like a distant relative of the Balrog from The Lord of the Rings. At this point, we suggest telling Yudie and third-party member Erudoa to stand back and let Lenard transform into the White Knight.

25) The cinematic CG trailer presented at this year's E3 showed off the art style and epic cutscenes, which, it has to be said, look gorgeous. Take a long, loving gander at these images snapped from the trailer, and try to contain your excitement until a confirmed release early next year.