Looking for Crackdown 2 orbs? You'll find one in this month's OXM UK

Editor of OXM UK, Jon Hicks has this say about the unique stunt: "Crackdown’s orbs are truly iconic in Xbox gaming, and millions of players have scoured Pacific City to find them - to quote the developers, they are the crack in Crackdown, and the recent demo has shown that they’re as addictive as ever. To bring that tell-tale sound and an orb hunt of our own into the mag was the perfect tribute."

Above: GamesRadar's Charlie Barratt chats to Crackdown 2 dev team at a recent press preview

For more information on the magazine and details of a competition to win an ultra-limited edition Crackdown 2 Xbox 360, stay tuned to GamesRadar on Thursday 8th July.

July 1, 2010