Damage Control returns to clean up the Marvel Universe

Damage Control #1 cover excerpt
(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Who takes care of the aftermath when superheroes clash with villains and monsters in city-smashing battles? In the Marvel Universe, the answer to that question comes in the form of the cult-classic team Damage Control, an agency tasked with cleaning up the mess made by superheroes.

Now, Damage Control is returning in a new five-issue limited series spearheaded by The Goldbergs creator Adam F. Goldberg, who's bringing a whole host of creators with him, including Charlotte Fullerton, wife of late Damage Control co-creator Dwayne McDuffie, who created the team alongside artist Ernie Colón.

Damage Control #1 cover (Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Goldberg will write the main story of the five-issue Damage Control title, which was announced through CBR, alongside co-writer Hans Rodionoff, while Fullerton will write a backup feature for the series. Will Robson will draw the main story, while Jay Fosgitt draws the backups.

Goldberg, Rodionoff, and Robson's main story focuses on fresh Damage Control hire Gus, who "has no idea how chaotic his life is about to become" as his new job will have him cross paths with Moon Knight, Nightcrawler, She-Hulk, Quicksilver, Ghost Rider, and other superheroes and villains. 

In the backup story, Fullerton and Fosgitt follow Damage Control as the characters deal with the aftermath of the fabled Infinity Gauntlet saga.

Damage Control #1 cover (Image credit: Marvel Comics)

"Damage Control has always been our favorite part of the Marvel Universe ever since it made its debut back in the ’80s," Goldberg tells CBR. "[Hans and I] literally cheered when Damage Control made an appearance in Spider-Man: Homecoming and then again when they returned in Spider-Man: No Way Home.”

As Goldberg mentions, Damage Control had a pair of minor cameos in two of Sony and Marvel's MCU Spider-Man films. But the new Damage Control limited series will be just a bit less serious than the role the group has played so far in the MCU.

"It's a workplace comedy where Captain Marvel might visit your cubicle or you could end up doing trust falls with Thor at the company retreat," says Rodionoff.

Damage Control #1 goes on sale in August, featuring a main cover from Carlos Pacheco and a variant from main story artist Will Robson.

Part of the new Damage Control series will connect to The Infinity Gauntlet, one of the best Marvel Comics stories of all time.

George Marston

I've been Newsarama's resident Marvel Comics expert and general comic book historian since 2011. I've also been the on-site reporter at most major comic conventions such as Comic-Con International: San Diego, New York Comic Con, and C2E2. Outside of comic journalism, I am the artist of many weird pictures, and the guitarist of many heavy riffs. (They/Them)