Fan-made Chrono Trigger video reminds us we want a proper sequel – here’s five things we'd like to see

Let’s face it, the video game industry isn’t like the movie business. Why? Because our sequels usually get better rather than worse. So why is it that some of our most beloved games get shafted in the follow-up department? More to the point: why the -eff haven’t we gotten a proper sequel to Chrono Trigger? YouTube user Cole8353 decided to take matters into his own hands… kind of:

Above: I wanted to do that to Robo, too. Freakin’ Lavos

Found on GameVideos, this short taste of a prequel/sequel is made with the secret ingredient that many current Square-Enix games clearly lack: love. This isn't the first time that people on the internet that were right in the head tried to revive the time-hopping franchise, either. Square itself even trademarked something called Chrono Break some years ago, and nothing ever came of it. Seeing this video got us thinking, though: what do we want to see in a Chrono sequel? Knowing that us lowly plebes can’t possibly rebottle the same magic that was in Chrono Trigger, how can we still try to ensure that a sequel – if it ever happens - lives up to its golden legacy? In short, how can we avoid making another Chrono Cross? For your internet arguing pleasure, here are five things we'd like to see:

Get the band back together

Above: First he creates Final Fantasy, then he shreds a gnarly wave, then he steals your girl

Sure, we get the fact getting Hironobu Sakaguchi back to Square-Enix sounds kind of ludicrous (especially if he really does retire), but one cannot deny that the biggest part of what made Chrono good in the first place was the fact he, Yujii Hori, and Akira Toriyama created the RPG brain trust that it was. Now just imagine the meetings that took place in that think tank. Now try to think of it happening again. See where we’re going with this?

Lots of endings, and the good %26lsquo;ole New Game+

Above: See all those?

Chrono Trigger was a game chock full of options, and that made it pretty rad. Want to take on the last boss right away? Go right ahead. It’s that feeling of freedom that made going back to the game again and again so worthwhile. This nifty feature seems like a gimme in a post – Trigger world, but even Square chooses not to include it in all of their games. So, while it may seem, well, kind of dumb to point it out, we need to have this.

A whole lotta Frog

Above: Be like Frog and vaquish evil, fools.

We understand the fact that not every character can come back forthe sequel, but having one in particular make the cut is a concession we think Square can make. That character is Frog. We shouldn’t have to explain this, but if you need a reason, just check out his stoic pose and epic cape. Not only does he weild the Masamune, but he possesses the ability to drop a huge glowing frog on any knave fool enough to stand in his way.

The return of Chrono and Marle's son or daughter

Above: Sorry, we just blew it for you

Spoiler Alert! But come on, it's been 15 years, the statute of limitations dried up a while ago. We'd love to see Crono and Marle's child getting into the action in the sequel. He/she would be a great way to naturally connect thegames' stories together without it feeling forced.Just so long as he's not an emo ladyboy with a penchant for whining about everything we'll be happy. No seriously, please don't make him an androgynous baby.

An explanation of Chrono Cross%26rsquo;s ending

Don’t watch this if you haven’t finished it (and, to be fair, you should).

Above: This is spoiler-tacular

Schala in Tokyo? I get it, but…hurm…an extension of this might be in order. This begs the idea of finding more interesting ways to blend all of the games (Trigger, Cross, and the obscure Satellaview game Radical Dreamers) together into a more cohesive whole. Of course as with any time travel story, it'll take a deft hand to put everything together without making it all blow up in a huge retconned nightmare.

Now, don’t be fibber and say that you don’t have your opinions and ideas. Lay ‘em on us in the comments, if you please.

How many game callouts are “hidden” in the comic’s pages? Let’s find out.

Square Enix set makes us pine for the good old days

An epic adventure fit for the ages returns in a perfectly portable edition

Aug 27, 2010