82% of consumers have no problem with in-game ads

The majority of people find having proper adverts in games has no impact on their enjoyment, according to new research conducted by Nielsen BASES and Neilson Games.

The study, conducted on behalf of IGA Worldwide, concluded that 82 percent of its participants were not affected by advertisements.

Neilson surveyed over 1,300 PC gaming enthusiasts in their homes whilst they played a variety of titles provided by EA and Activision. They were periodically bombarded with advertisements from Taco Bell, Jeep and Wrigley.

In addition, Neilson also discovered that there was an average 61 percent increase in consumers favourable opinions of products advertised.

So we're concluding that those playing felt like driving a Jeep to Taco Bell whilst chewing Spearmint after a gaming session.

The survey was apparently the largest study done of its kind. We expect this information is starting to appear in the boardrooms of distributors as we speak.

Courtesy of CVG.

Jun 17, 2008