50 Astonishing Movie Mockbusters

Street Racer (2008)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: If the title is a little too on the nose, at least the neon lights on the cover are reminiscent of the Fast And Furious film it is trying to emulate.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: At the start of the film, out hero ends up paralysing a young boy during an illegal street race and winds up going to prison. To rub salt in the wound though, when he gets out, he goes to visit the kid and ends up dating his sister.

Titanic II (2010)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: Any kind of sequel to Titanic is confusing enough.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: As tragedy strikes for our romantic couple, the hero sacrifices his life in order to save that of the woman he loves. However, very sensibly, his last words to her are instructions to resuscitate him if he drowns.

Invasion Of The Pod People (2007)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: The film seems to be called INVASION (*cough*)Of The Pod People(*cough*)

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: Melissa becomes aware that everyone is acting strangely the morning after a freak meteor shower. One of her first clues is when her own boss Samantha suddenly seduces her into a steamy lesbian encounter.

The Amityville Haunting (2011)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: They’re just hoping no one will read past the word ‘Amityville’.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: Towards the end of this found-footage film, the dad of the family staying in the house has a nervous breakdown and starts trying to beat up his daughter’s ‘imaginary friend’, which sees him just stomping and throwing himself around on the floor.

The Apocalypse (2007)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: No one has told the cover of this DVD that Armageddon was released about 10 years before this came out.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: In a film attempting to forcefully convey a very religious message, our central couple notice that true believers in God are disappearing before the meteorite crashes down and wipes out all of humankind - presumably they are being saved from certain death. From then on, the film becomes all about them deciding to be believers.

I Am Omega (2007)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: A deliberate amalgamation of ‘I Am Legend’ and ‘The Omega Man’, both based on the same book.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: Surrounded by multiple zombie attackers, our hero Renchard shows off his skills with a pair of spinning nunchucks… before just turning and running away.

Death Racers (2008)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: There's two letters' difference.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: One of the futuristic prison racing teams consist of rap group Insane Clown Posse, who were charged with murder after their violent form of hip hop was considered to indirectly influence multiple murders, acts of terrorism and a school massacre.

The Hitchihiker (2007)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: if anything, they've just clarified what a hitcher actually is.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: Unaware that the hitchhiker they have picked up is a psychopathic rapist and killer, the four girls check into a motel with him. Then, in the middle of the night, one of the girls for to his room and they have sex. Because nudity.

Alien Origin (2012)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: The title suggests everything we were once hoping Prometheus would be.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: In this found-footage film, a group of soldiers wander around the jungle supposedly investigating alien activity but not really doing much of anything. Then, towards the end of the film, they discover more found footage on a boat that details an alien abduction, which begs the question: why aren't we watching THAT film?

Monster (2008)

Most Blatant Attempt To Confuse People: What does Cloverfield even mean anyhow? At least Monster does exactly what it says on the DVD cover.

Probably Wouldn't Happen In The Proper Film: The two young female filmmakers, who have travelled to Tokyo to make a documentary about global warming, still manage to find time during the ensuing chaos to frequently film close-ups of each other's cleavage.