Game music of the day: Galcon Fusion

Welcome to GamesRadar's daily blast of all things pertaining to the ever-growing field of game music. Each post will introduce new sounds, games, composers and fan-made remixes of gaming's greatest aural achievements.

August 17, 2010

Game: Galcon Fusion
Song: Main Menu
Composer: Tim Inge

Above: Galcon Fusion's life-affirming menu track

Galcon Fusion, the latest in a series by independent developer Phil Hassey, is one intense, hectic sonnuva strategy game. Players battle for control of planets by flinging suicidal squadrons of spaceships back and forth across a 2D map... but that description doesn't really do it justice, so give it a try sometime. It isn't for everyone, but it helps that it sounds awfully nice too...

The music, which is credited to collaborator Tim Inge, who has been making stuff with Phil Hassey since at least 2006 (see abandoned website below), is some of the most enjoyable cheesy space music I've heard in a while.

Here's another fun clip, this time from the multiplayer lobby. This melody was stuck in my head for a week once, and I may have just doomed myself to another.

Above: Galcon Fusion's multiplayer lobby

And just for fun, here's an old track by Hassey and Inge, which I found on an abandoned 2006 website of theirs. It makes me smile:

Above: "Classical Funk"

Aug 17, 2010

Game music of the day: C&C Red Alert
Who knew tank rushes could be so funky?

One of the best songs from one of the best side-scrolling shooters to grace the Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Associate Editor, Digital at PC Gamer