Miyamoto's "never seen" Ratchet & Clank

Dec 14, 2007

Insomniac Games said a while back that it was "flattered" that the spherical worlds of Mario Galaxy were inspired by Ratchet & Clank. But Miyamoto says he's never heard of it.

Official Nintendo Magazine UK asked the father of Mario what he thought about Insomiac's comments in a recent interview, to be published in the next issue (Issue 25). But instead of acknowledging Insomniac's work, he asked: "Is it a PC game?"

Miyamoto said he was "surprised" by Insomniac's comment. "In terms of the spherical worlds and anti-gravity," he went on to explain, "we had the original idea as soon as we finished the development of Mario 64 and had been experimenting with it for many years, even on the N64."

What we wouldn't give to play those prototypes…

"It's not an idea we got from anywhere else," adds Miyamoto, before continuing: "I'm sorry but I have to admit that I've never seen the game in question. Is it a PC game?"

Miyamoto is every inch anauteur.

Courtesy of CVG.