Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

The Priestess

The classic "Band-Aid" archetype gets a twist: in addition to healing our teammates, we could also suck the other team dry of health. Her slow, blind and poison spells are just as effective as any fireball, moreso if used in concert with other classes.

The Priestess is likely the friendliest class for novice shooters - we were effective just running around willy-nilly with our staff, healing teammates during massive melees. Skill points are handed out for healing like that, in the same way as they are granted for offing the enemy and capping flags.

At a fairly early level, the Priestess will gain the ability to resurrect fallen friendlies. Resurrection has the potential to wrinkle gameplay quite a bit, but this is offset by the price of being reanimated. If the Priestess dies, all of the players that she raised will die as well.

She sees all players' souls just as the other classes see outer bodies. This grants her a crucial skill - the ability to see cloaked or disguised Assassins.