50 Greatest Meta Movie Moments

Tango And Cash (1989)

The Meta Moment: Who do you think you are?” asks a local cop of Tango. “He thinks he’s Rambo,” chrips another. “Rambo?” chuckles Tango. “Rambo’s a pussy.”

Why It’s Great: Sly is having a laugh at himself. A bloody good laugh…

Swordfish (2001)

The Meta Moment: “You know what the problem with Hollywood is?” begins John Travolta’s villain. “They make shit. Unbelievable, unremarkable shit.”

Why It’s Great: Opening a movie like Swordfish with the aforementioned lines is punchy in the extreme. Having them delivered by the man who brought you Battlefield Earth … well that’s nothing short of genius.

Deconstructing Harry (1997)

The Meta Moment: Harry begins to lose his focus, resulting in his character becoming visibly blurry on the screen.

Why It’s Great: Most of Woody Allen’s characters are fictionalised versions of himself, so it’s nice to see him being more explicit about it here!

The Mist (2007)

The Meta Moment: The film’s opening reel sees Thomas Jane’s character painting a rather familiar-looking image to fans of Stephen King…

Why It’s Great: That painting is the cover art of King’s novel The Dark Tower . We’ll be expecting a reference to The Mist in that film, should it ever get made…

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007)

The Meta Moment: “I should be on that list!” protests Stan Lee, having been turned away from the wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Storm.

Why It’s Great: Stan Lee is always awesome, but this one is particularly nod-nod, wink-wink as a Stan Lee lookalike is also turned away from the very same event in the comic-book.

Casper (1995)

The Meta Moment: Ray Stantz comes bursting out of the haunted mansion, sporting a terrible moustache and looking a bit perturbed. “Who you gonna call?” he asks. “Someone else!”

Why It’s Great: A Dan Aykroyd cameo would be one thing, but having him pitch up as Ray Stantz is raising the bar.

Charlies Angels (2000)

The Meta Moment: Drew Barrymore’s character goes hurtling into a living room that’s the mirror image of the one lived in by her character in ET .

Why It’s Great: Ignoring the too-obvious placement of an ET poster above the television, it’s a nice call-back to Drew’s big break.

Welcome To The Jungle (2003)

The Meta Moment: The Rock is strolling into a nightclub, only to bump into Arnie walking out of the entrance. “Have fun,” smiles the Austrian Oak before heading off into the night.

Why It’s Great: It’s a lovely passing of the torch from one action hero to another.

Scream 2 (1997)

The Meta Moment: Mike Epps and Jada Pinkett Smith head to a screening of Stab (itself a parody of Scream ), where the latter complains about the horror genre being “historical for excluding the African-American element.” Guess who gets it first?

Why It’s Great: Wes Craven takes the hoary old genre trope of the black guy dying first, holds it up to ridicule, then goes through with it anyway!

Adaptation (2002)

The Meta Moment: The moment where Nicolas Cage announces he will cast Gerard Depardieu in his movie, giving us the prospect of Depardieu as Charlie Kaufman in a film by Charlie Kaufman in a film by Charlie Kaufman.

Why It’s Great: Because you don’t often see an example of meta-metafiction!

George Wales

George was once GamesRadar's resident movie news person, based out of London. He understands that all men must die, but he'd rather not think about it. But now he's working at Stylist Magazine.