Minecraft creations get more ludicrous with this functional GBA playing Pokemon

Remember that sense of accomplishment when you built your first proper home in Minecraft? How proud you were to say "I made that," how eager you were to show it to your friends? Well, prepare to have that feeling of joy and pride smacked right out of you, as you gaze in awe and wonder at Reqaug's functional GBA that plays Pokemon FireRed.

Created over the course of three weeks, Reqaug's virtual GBA owes its existence to Structure Blocks. These special cubes - introduced to the game earlier this year - save entire structures, thus allowing the "screen" of the GBA to rapidly change. It's all very impressive, even if it doesn't yet feature dialogue or battles (though Reqaug says they are planning to add those in a future update).

If you think you can add to the project or want to try it for yourself, Planet Minecraft has a downloadable version of the map ready to go. Me, I'm just gonna be happy that my house has four walls and a roof.

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Sam Prell

Sam is a former News Editor here at GamesRadar. His expert words have appeared on many of the web's well-known gaming sites, including Joystiq, Penny Arcade, Destructoid, and G4 Media, among others. Sam has a serious soft spot for MOBAs, MMOs, and emo music. Forever a farm boy, forever a '90s kid.