Joint Task Force Cheats

It's not just whether or not your modern-day strategy campaign is a success - it's whether you get funding for your military efforts.

Joint Task Force Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Codes (ver. 1.1)

    Press enter and type in the code, then press enter to accept:

    Highlander - God Mode
    Terminator - Instant Kill
    GodFather - Unlock Unit Ordering
    James Bond - Win Mission

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Codes (ver. 1.0)

    Press enter and type in the code, then press enter to accept:

    mo money - $1000
    joyride - Win Mission
    shield - God Mode
    zidane - Instant Kill
    szalo - Instant Kill
    chuck norris - Instant Kill
    mo xp - Level Up
    refill - Unit Ordering