Alone in the Dark

Batteries running out is bad for one very good reason: Central Park is teeming with the vile and the vicious, with nutjobs and cranks, and the knock-on effect is that the game is scary. And Nour believes that’s because Alone in the Dark’s world is so real and immersive that you totally buy into the scenario you’re facing. “Once we’ve got your full attention,” she says, “we can start to manipulate your emotions, which is when suggested fear comes into play. The idea of what could be behind a door or hiding in a dark corner is much more powerful than simply being presented with some ugly dude trying to swipe your head off.” It's all about cranking up the tension until there’s a real sense of foreboding.

Helping you taste the terror even more acutely is the soundtrack. Nour explains: “The music follows the dynamic of the gameplay, responding to what’s happening and takes into account where you’ve come from and what you’ve done rather than simply being triggered by a pre-set event.”