Developer interview - Mushroom Men

Were there any gameplay concepts you discarded early on in development as not being ‘mushroomy’ enough?

I tried to convince people early on that mushrooms should be able to live in little houses and get jobs and have daily lives alongside the citizens of the world. And when confronted with the obviously unmushroom narrative I was outlining, I had to relent. I knew it wouldn’t work. The world isn’t ready to think about mushrooms as ordinary citizens. One step at a time, everyone told me.

How do you feel about how other developers are using the Wii remote? Do you think it’s being used to its full potential?

I really enjoyed the implementation in Resident Evil 4 and Zak & Wiki. Some developers are using it very well. But unlocking its full potential? I don’t think so yet, these things are still new, and though developers understand what kind of data the controllers provide, I don’t believe they yet understand the unique ways that data can be used. In a year or two there will be so much more, though.

What games have you been playing/enjoying on the DS/Wii recently?

On the DS? Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. On the Wii? No More Heroes, Resident Evil 4. Does the Virtual Console count? I just downloaded Super Mario Brothers 3. Lots of good memories of that one.

Finally, what are your favorite types of mushrooms? Does anyone on the team have any mushroom allergies?

Why do you ask? Choosing a favorite mushroom is like choosing between our children. I like the Morels the best, what with their unique looking caps and their interest in science and technology. That is, as far as they understand the concepts of science and technology. I’m not sure if anyone has any mushroom allergies, though. I guess if you’re allergic to mold, you’re maybe quasi-allergic to mushrooms. Seems kind of bizarre, if you ask me.

Finally, would you consider making games based on other vegetables? Carrots for example?

I don’t know, Bob Burden did the Flaming Carrot pretty well. Wouldn’t want to intrude on his ground. Iceberg Lettuce, though, that has real potential.

May 14, 2008