Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile Cheats

Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Various Cheats

    During gameplay while at the city level press ENTER to get the console. Put in a code below and press ENTER again to activate. Note: cheating may result in unexpected game results (such as the game exiting) especially the osiris code may cause trouble:

    Amun - Show cheat codes

    Anubis - Units owned by this player are killed

    Bast - Makes a stage area and adds resources (See Resource list below)

    Hapi - Unit Hit point maxed out

    Hathor or - Focuses the camera on the unit.

    Horus - Free Palace upgrade toggle

    Isis - Select the building desired before putting in code. Code removes resources from building. (See Resource list below)

    Ma'at - Redistributes food as if harvest came in.

    Osiris - Select the building desired before putting in code. Code fills resources to max in building.

    Ptah - Select the building desired before putting in code. Code adds of resource indicated to building. (See Resource list below)

    Ra - Puts Envoy in palace up to prestige

    Set - Lose game

    Sobek [Goods][Food] - Default with no qualifier clears household inventory. [Goods] clears goods, [Food] clears food.

    Thoth - Win game

    Worship - Put camera on coordinates

  • PC | Submitted by Greg

    Resources List

    Use with above

    2 Wheat
    3 Wood, Acacia
    4 Block, Fine Limestone
    5 Gold
    6 Bricks (straw)
    7 Block, Limestone
    9 Reeds (papyrus)
    10 Clay
    11 Straw
    14 Emeralds
    15 Flax
    16 Copper
    17 Tin
    18 Kohl
    19 Oil
    22 Henna
    23 Barley
    24 Lettuce
    25 Onions
    26 xBeef
    27 Fish
    28 Fowl
    29 Grapes
    30 Pomegranates
    32 Dates
    33 Rushes
    34 Leather
    35 Quartz
    36 Turquoise
    37 Flowers
    39 Mats, Rushes
    40 Baskets, Rushes
    41 Pottery
    42 Linen
    43 Cosmetics, Kohl
    44 Perfume, Henna
    45 Sandals, Rush
    46 Papyrus
    47 Sculpture, Clay
    48 Jewelry (emerald)
    49 Furniture, Reeds
    50 Incense
    51 Spices
    52 Monkeys
    53 Furs
    55 Armor
    57 Jewelry (turquoise)
    58 Furniture, Acacia
    59 Sculpture, Basalt
    60 Jewelry (faience)
    61 Kopesh
    62 Weapons
    63 Bricks (reeds)
    64 Bricks (rushes)
    65 Jewelry (gold)
    66 Bread (barley)
    67 Wine (date)
    68 Wine (pomegranate)
    69 Wine (fig)
    70 Beer
    71 Bread (wheat)
    72 Jewelry (turquoise&emerald)
    73 Myrrh
    74 Mats, Reeds
    75 Baskets, Reeds
    76 Perfume, Flowers
    77 Perfume, Myrrh
    78 Cosmetics, Henna
    79 Chariot
    80 Generic Food
    81 Stele, Granite, Small
    82 Statue, Basalt, Large
    83 Statue, Basalt, Small
    84 Stele, Granite, Large
    86 Wood, Cedar
    87 Furniture, Cedar
    88 Sculpture, Bronze
    89 Cosmetics, Copper
    90 Sandals, Leather
    91 Fruit Tree
    92 Obelisk, Small
    94 Obelisk, Large
    95 Ship
    96 Sandals, Leather and Rush
    97 Jewelry (turquoise&gold)
    98 Jewelry (emerald&gold)
    99 Jewelry (turquoise&emerald&gold)
    100 Sculpture, Copper
    101 Sculpture, Tin
    102 Cosmetics, Copper, Henna and Kohl