Why soon-to-be dad Ollie is excited to fit Ring Fit Adventure sessions in between family time

On our journey to discover how real-life players love using Ring Fit Adventure, we meet Ollie, a 34-year-old who's about to be a dad for the first time. 

Although Ollie has loved Nintendo games for the majority of his life, he loves how the uniqueness of the Ring Con controller takes the Switch's appeal to the next level. 

Initially, Ollie took up Ring Fit Adventure with his wife, who he admits is the more athletic of the duo. But, Ollie quickly ramped up the difficulty on Adventure Mode and discovered just how much of a brilliant challenge it can be. 

Ollie has never enjoyed the process of getting fit that much, but with Ring Fit Adventure he is keeping up his momentum with pleasure, fitting in three workouts a week. Not only is he now getting fitter, but he also finds his Ring Fit Adventure sessions a great way to destress after work. 

With the baby soon to arrive too, he's looking forward to the flexibility of having such an accessible form of workout in his home, which he can still dive into between cuddles with the little one.

But until that day, Ollie wants to set you a Ring Fit Adventure challenge.

Can you beat your previous high scores in two separate mini-games? And then, riding high on success, try a level of Adventure Mode on a higher difficulty level than you have before. 

Ollie managed a perfect score in Robo-Wrecker and beat his best score in Squattery Wheel. What will you choose?

Be sure to head back to GamesRadar to see more stories of real people using Ring Fit Adventure.