Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII side quest guide

The Old Man and the Field 

He’ll be the only white-haired guy in the Research Camp

Come back after six or so hours to check in on your crops

Who you get it from: The Stubborn Old Man in the Research Camp, at the northeast of point of The Wildlands.

When you can obtain the quest: Any time after completing the ‘A Father’s Request’ side quest and after harvesting your first Gysahl Greens in Canopus Farms.

Rewards for completion: 500 gil, Yellow-rimmed Glasses x1, Max HP +40, Strength +6

Instructions for completion: First thing’s first: Ensure you have a Vegetable Seed in your inventory. You should have an extra one after completing the ‘A Father’s Request’ side quest. When you talk to the Stubborn Old Man, you’ll be able to plant your Vegetable Seed. Come back after half a day (next day is fine).

Remember the Gysahl Greens you grew in Canopus Farms? Have some on hand when you’re ready to harvest the crops that you planted in front of the Stubborn Old Man. The resulting conversation will formally start the quest. And when you hand over the Gysahl Greens, the quest will be complete.

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