Trailer Trash

Smarty Pants

If the live action portion of this trailer is accurate, Smarty Pants is the game in which friends enthusiastically couch-wrestle while frantically waving a Wiimote around. If fugly graphics and generic techno turn you on, you’ll definitely want to have a look at Smarty Pants. It’s the perfect excuse to rub yourself all over your friends in a totally platonic, non-sexual way. Or you could just have an orgy and get it over with, for chrissakes. Where do they get these actors? And why does that random laugh track come up for a couple seconds, then disappear? Making fun of this trailer is probably the most enjoyment anyone will ever get out of Smarty Pants.

If the live action portion of this trailer is accurate, Smarty Pants is the game in which friends enthusiastically couch-wrestle while frantically waving a Wiimote around. If fugly graphics and generic techno turn you on, you’ll definitely want to have a look at Smarty Pants. It’s the perfect excuse to rub yourself all over your friends in a totally platonic, non-sexual way. Or you could just have an orgy and get it over with, for chrissakes. Where do they get these actors? And why does that random laugh track come up for a couple seconds, then disappear? Making fun of this trailer is probably the most enjoyment anyone will ever get out of Smarty Pants.