Pokemon Diamond & Pearl

Legendary Pokemon
Legendary Pokemon are ultra-powerful Pokemon, caught either at the end of the game or received from Nintendo events or promotions.

Above: Legendary Pokemon are very rare, with some only obtainable by attending special Nintendo events and downloading them

This prickly Pokemon graces the cover of Pokemon Diamond and is the Pokemon of Space. Combining the formidable powers of the steel and dragon types, it's no wonder that Team Galaxy seeks to control it.

Adorning Pokemon Pearl is Parukia, the Pokemon of Time. They say time flows like a river, as do this Water Dragon Pokemon's attacks.

Manaphy and Fione
The first promotional Pokemon for Diamond and Pearl is an adorable water-type Pokemon known as the Prince of the Sea and is featured in this year's movie. Thus far, Manaphy can only be obtained by attending a special Nintendo event and downloading a special mission for Pokemon Ranger, and then transferring the mysterious egg you receive to the game.