Whoopi Goldberg pimps Michael Jackson: The Experience on The View

Tomorrow is Whoopi Goldberg’s birthday, and the crew from The View celebrated the event by highlighting some her favorite things. One of the items that made it on Goldberg’s birthday wish list is the new Michael Jackson dance game for the Wii. Goldberg also loves cookies. See her pimp the Ubisoft title on her show while she munches on cookies from her favorite bakery in New York City.

Above: The Cookie Monster would be proud

The cookie transcript of Goldberg’s endorsement:

Oh kah? Arhm, nom, nom, nom, yah…
Sho now… Agh… I got so excited about mah cookie… [swallows].
Michael Jockson [smacks lips] The Experience for Wii… Oh kah?
You know I love Michael… he’s a friend [swallows] friend of mine… also love the Wii… so this is a perfect thing for me...

Goldberg also signed a replica of Michael Jackson’s glove, which will be auctioned off for charity. You can find out about how to bid on the glove at the official websitefor The View.

Michael Jackson: The Experience is scheduled to release on November 23.

[Source:Kotaku,The View]

Nov 12, 2010
