Dark Reign Cheats

Dark Reign FAQs

  • FAQ

    Submitted by Allan McKay (Machette)

Dark Reign Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Hidden level

    Play the Death Blow level by clicking on the spiral at the level selection screen after completing level twelve

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Strong Buildings (Imperium)

    DJ LaVacca

    I found this on accident. I built 10 or 11 guardians and used a hostage taker on them. when I was finished construction rigs were beside all my buildings and the structures became harder to destroy.

  • PC | Submitted by Maddog81


    At the game menu, type SS ADN, then type in these codes:
    darkinv Invulnerability
    darkpower Maximum power
    dark20000 20,000 money

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Mission select

    Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Using a text editor, edit the "shellcfg.h" file locacted in the "dark\shell\" directory. Change the "#define BTN_MISSION_COEFFICIENT 150" line to "#define BTN_MISSION_COEFFICIENT 157". The new "Cheat" icon in the lower left corner of the screen will allow any mission to be selected on the dial.