Evolution 2: Distant Promise Cheats

Evolution 2: Distant Promise Cheats

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadar

    New Costumes

    At the character selection screen hold X

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Skip Dialogue

    During a battle before a move is made press B

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by Danny D.

    Sound Recorder (Special Appraisal Item)

    Once you beat Crypt Ruins, you have access to the Bandit's Hideout. On the 3rd floor, collect the Broken Telescope in the northeast room. Beat Carcano and return to the Blaze Ruins. Collect the Cloudy Lens at the exit of the 4th floor(Maybe you've collected it already). Take it to the Appraisal Clerk, Keeno, and ask him to have the items 'Assembled'. You'll get 4,000 dinale.

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by Michael Jacksin

    More Powerful Attacks

    When your character pulls back his/her weapon to attack, hold A and release when the damage is done