G-Nome Cheats

G-Nome Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    To Have Unlimited Lives With Out The "Had A Nude On" Code

    o Get This You Type In "I Hate This Merc"
    In-Game-Keys :
    CTRL+I - Activates Invinciblity
    CTRL+Z - Refills ammo
    CTRL+F - Destroy current target
    CTRL+B - Teleport Behind Target
    CTRL+P - All targets on radar

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Codes - Function

    * Depress CTRL-F1 on the main screen and enter these case sensitive codes in the box that appears.

    Redtop Trod - Select all single player missions from the mission Menu.
    Half Libel - Activates Teleport key.
    Had A Nude On - Activates Invincibility key.
    Brass Clue - Activates Amunition Key.
    Mother Mourn Us - Changes mountain on mission 1-5 to Mt. Rushmore with programers faces.
    Chaste Coed - View the end video sequences.
    Rotted Drop - Activates Destroy Target.
    Horny Elk Leer - Activates all targets on radar key.
    O'Sarge - Gives Seargeant in training missions an Irish accent.
    Swiss Throat - Changes Citadel building into 7th level headquarters.
    A Mere Fart - ???
    A Scramble On - Let's you take screen shots by pressing SHIFT-CTRL-RIGHT CLICK.
    Range Goes Gory - All Levels, and lots of other stuff (I don't know exactly what it does)
    Dunk It Here - Recording Session Outtakes (I don't know exactly what it does)
    Oh No! Less Japan - Activates Ion-Strike Key
    In game Control+X for Ion-Strike