TOCA Race Driver 2 Cheats

Practice diligently and drive intelligently and you'll revel in the purest racer on PSP

TOCA Race Driver 2 Cheats

  • Xbox, PC | Submitted by Thomas M. Horgan

    Bonus competitions

    When you complete the LOLA World championship, you need $8 million to unlock two more competitions involving the cars you win in one-on-one challenges. The class "B" championship involves all cars from the row with the Mini Cooper S, while the class "A" championship involves the last row of cars with the Tuscan speed 12 and Toyota GT1. Make sure you have as many cars as possible as these race are tricky and you will need a balanced car.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Movies

    Put in IVMJYXVK for the code (discs with bonus code 0194).
    Put in TNXEUBUX for the code (discs with bonus code 1171).
    Put in RQPJVUDH for the code (discs with bonus code 1335).
    Put in KTQMSHYI for the code (discs with bonus code 1802).
    Put in CUWALIEL for the code (discs with bonus code 3687).
    Put in VRWZMNGW for the code (discs with bonus code 3803).
    Put in IVMJKYMO for the code (discs with bonus code 4494).
    Put in TNXEQPNS for the code (discs with bonus code 4571).
    Put in HZOLMXZNfor the code (discs with bonus code 4707).
    Put in KRCQTBPU for the code (discs with bonus code 6068).
    Put in NXJGMLMX for the code (discs with bonus code 6266).
    Put in BAAAQEPU for the code (discs with bonus code 7018).
    Put in WVUMRQMJ for the code (discs with bonus code 8426).
    Put in RQPJZZOU for the code (discs with bonus code 9535).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock No Damage Mode

    Put in VWXUUETA for the code (discs with bonus code 0194).
    Put in EZXYFQWV for the code (discs with bonus code 0798).
    Put in CJYXHAUV for the code (discs with bonus code 1171).
    Put in ILKGNSYX for the code (discs with bonus code 1335).
    Put in VRWZULGR for the code (discs with bonus code 1802).
    Put in FQLNGHGS for the code (discs with bonus code 3687).
    Put in KTQMNLEY for the code (discs with bonus code 3803).
    Put in VWXUQPNS for the code (discs with bonus code 4494).
    Put in CJYXKYMO for the code (discs with bonus code 4571).
    Put in FRKBNMUEfor the code (discs with bonus code 4707).
    Put in AMYKURRW for the code (discs with bonus code 6068).
    Put in TKDSCSHC for the code (discs with bonus code 6266).
    Put in GFNPJDRS for the code (discs with bonus code 6626).
    Put in XGAAYRSP for the code (discs with bonus code 7018).
    Put in GFNPIDBY for the code (discs with bonus code 8426).
    Put in ILKGJIGV for the code (discs with bonus code 9535).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Bonus Championships & Cars

    Put in RZQXJGTK for the code (discs with bonus code 0194).
    Put in EJEUBCQP for the code (discs with bonus code 0798).
    Put in TKDSGHLB for the code (discs with bonus code 1171).
    Put in GXZCYULV for the code (discs with bonus code 1335).
    Put in FRKBMNAN for the code (discs with bonus code 1802).
    Put in LEWAHNZRfor the code (discs with bonus code 3687).
    Put in HZOLAQEZ for the code (discs with bonus code 3803).
    Put in RZQXXYMT for the code (discs with bonus code 4494).
    Put in TKDSKZJQ for the code (discs with bonus code 4571).
    Put in VRWZWIIEfor the code (discs with bonus code 4707).
    Put in OTNUUYYY for the code (discs with bonus code 6068).
    Put in CJYXVUOI for the code (discs with bonus code 6266).
    Put in UDFCGFCM for the code (discs with bonus code 7018).
    Put in NYOOTWCF for the code (discs with bonus code 8426).
    Put in GXZCDRMQ for the code (discs with bonus code 9535).

  • PC | Submitted by skwid

    Donnington Sharp Reviver (Hint)

    When on race track donnington, at the end is a very sharp zigzag. to survive the corner without wiping out as soon as you go under a bridge at the end start slowing down and go to the left of the track. then at the corner cut across and across the other way always on the colored road bit. then drive off happy as a pig in s***

  • PC | Submitted by Thomas M. Horgan

    Various Codes

    The game's codes are matched to the disc bonus code of each game, which will vary. The following codes will only work with discs that have the same disc bonus code:

    All cars

    Put in the code "XKIMCF" (disc bonus code ?).
    Put in the code "USRPUY" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "SLDDLS" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "FGZOOY" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "ZROOOY" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "PLSZGF" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "LJLYZF" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "DDYYHY" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "LJQZEL" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "BDVHHA" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "YUPAVP" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "MKWAVP" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "KUPTFI" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "RFINLW" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "IFFYDD" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "WOYHHI" (disc bonus code 8105).
    Put in the code "LJFCZH" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "IHHORZ" (disc bonus code 9881).

    All tracks

    Put in the code "TMYTKO" (disc bonus code ?).
    Put in the code "DUWCFV" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "GLFFLG" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "FMXWYF" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "FNZWYF" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "YHYXMF" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "MMMHHS" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "NPXSLP" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "DHMFJL" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "DJEWCM" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "VFCMEI" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "ZVIMEI" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "ODCJPY" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "OSAXSL" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "VKRXPN" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "LEZFAS" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "FNJZNF" (disc bonus code 9881).

    All championships

    Put in the code "FBMUEZ" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FMXXMF" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "GLFFFI" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "OAPFFI" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "FZYFLG" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "IHHSLP" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "TLYYZF" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "YPJQIN" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "MVQAVP" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "ZEUHHA" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "MZDHHA" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "WLNMHD" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "LWRPUK" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "YOOUJM" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "RBBDSL" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "LJLPAO" (disc bonus code 9881).

    All pro challenges

    Put in the code "ZFMZNZ" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FGZZGF" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "SLDRKV" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "VIBRKV" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "FNJYHY" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "MJUHHS" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "IFTBBR" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "TLHMEI" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "ZNZWCM" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "RCVWCM" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "LSXQJL" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "USKCDO" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "FYWYLT" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "NIQRTQ" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "MMMBIV" (disc bonus code 9881).

    Different handling

    Put in the code "RCVAAB" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "YOOOOY" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "VKRDLS" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "LQJDLS" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "RWMRKV" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "RFIHWL" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "WLNREA" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "LUBTNU" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "BAAYQB" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "YPJCDO" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "DDYQJL" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "FMXIFR" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "QTRJQL" (disc bonus code 9881).

    Realistic handling

    Put in the code "ZVIBSH" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FYWXMF" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "TMYXMF" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "KUPRDJ" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "XCCYQB" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "SAFYMT" (disc bonus code 9881).

    No damage

    Put in the code "MZDCAF" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FYWWYF" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "IFFFLG" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "EWVFLG" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "OSAMWR" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "LSXGYP" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "CZIKYT" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "FACIFE" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "IFTPUK" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "NPXMHD" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "AERLJL" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "FGZASO" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "PYGMMM" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "LSDVWE" (disc bonus code 9881).

    Realistic physics

    Put in the code "SIM" (any disc bonus code).

    Realistic damage

    Put in the code "MKWYOW" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "YOOZGF" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "XKIZGF" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "ODCUXH" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "XQIIFE" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "HZCIKX" (disc bonus code 9881).
    Put in the code "DAMAGE" (any disc bonus code).

    View credits

    Put in the code "CREDITS" (any disc bonus code).

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Various Codes

    The game's codes are matched to the disc bonus code of each game, which will vary. The following codes will only work with discs that have the same disc bonus code:
    changing your bonus code
    what you do is you go to the xbox dash board and delete your game file, then put the game in and create your profile and then go to bonus and check to see the bonus code is different, do this until you get the bonus code you want.
    All cars
    Put in the code "XKIMCF" (disc bonus code ?).
    Put in the code "USRPUY" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "SLDDLS" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "FGZOOY" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "ZROOOY" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "PLSZGF" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "LJLYZF" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "DDYYHY" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "LJQZEL" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "BDVHHA" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "YUPAVP" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "MKWAVP" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "KUPTFI" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "RFINLW" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "IFFYDD" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "WOYHHI" (disc bonus code 8105).
    Put in the code "LJFCZH" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "IHHORZ" (disc bonus code 9881).
    All tracks
    Put in the code "TMYTKO" (disc bonus code ?).
    Put in the code "DUWCFV" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "GLFFLG" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "FMXWYF" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "FNZWYF" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "YHYXMF" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "MMMHHS" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "NPXSLP" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "DHMFJL" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "DJEWCM" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "VFCMEI" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "ZVIMEI" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "ODCJPY" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "OSAXSL" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "VKRXPN" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "LEZFAS" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "FNJZNF" (disc bonus code 9881).
    All championships
    Put in the code "FBMUEZ" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FMXXMF" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "GLFFFI" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "OAPFFI" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "FZYFLG" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "IHHSLP" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "TLYYZF" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "YPJQIN" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "MVQAVP" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "ZEUHHA" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "MZDHHA" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "WLNMHD" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "LWRPUK" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "YOOUJM" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "RBBDSL" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "LJLPAO" (disc bonus code 9881).
    All pro challenges
    Put in the code "ZFMZNZ" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FGZZGF" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "SLDRKV" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "VIBRKV" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "FNJYHY" (disc bonus code 1785).
    Put in the code "MJUHHS" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "IFTBBR" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "TLHMEI" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "ZNZWCM" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "RCVWCM" (disc bonus code 3956).
    Put in the code "LSXQJL" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "USKCDO" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "FYWYLT" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "NIQRTQ" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "MMMBIV" (disc bonus code 9881).
    Different handling
    Put in the code "RCVAAB" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "YOOOOY" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "VKRDLS" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "LQJDLS" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "RWMRKV" (disc bonus code 1521).
    Put in the code "RFIHWL" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "WLNREA" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "LUBTNU" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "BAAYQB" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "YPJCDO" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "DDYQJL" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "FMXIFR" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "QTRJQL" (disc bonus code 9881).
    Realistic handling
    Put in the code "ZVIBSH" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FYWXMF" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "TMYXMF" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "KUPRDJ" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "XCCYQB" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "SAFYMT" (disc bonus code 9881).
    No damage
    Put in the code "MZDCAF" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "FYWWYF" (disc bonus code 1010).
    Put in the code "IFFFLG" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "EWVFLG" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "OSAMWR" (disc bonus code 2072).
    Put in the code "LSXGYP" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "CZIKYT" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "FACIFE" (disc bonus code 3906).
    Put in the code "IFTPUK" (disc bonus code 6471).
    Put in the code "NPXMHD" (disc bonus code 6778).
    Put in the code "AERLJL" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "FGZASO" (disc bonus code 7208).
    Put in the code "PYGMMM" (disc bonus code 8224).
    Put in the code "LSDVWE" (disc bonus code 9881).
    Realistic physics
    Put in the code "SIM" (any disc bonus code).
    Realistic damage
    Put in the code "MKWYOW" (disc bonus code 0659).
    Put in the code "YOOZGF" (disc bonus code 1215).
    Put in the code "XKIZGF" (disc bonus code 1298).
    Put in the code "ODCUXH" (disc bonus code 2569).
    Put in the code "XQIIFE" (disc bonus code 3588).
    Put in the code "HZCIKX" (disc bonus code 9881).
    Put in the code "DAMAGE" (any disc bonus code).
    View credits
    Put in the code "CREDITS" (any disc bonus code).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Reverse Front Wheel Drive Changes to Rear Wheel Drive

    Put in HSNATTMG for the code (discs with bonus code 0194).
    Put in MNEYYXVK for the code (discs with bonus code 0798).
    Put in VTFLVUDH for the code (discs with bonus code 1171).
    Put in DEPEUBUX for the code (discs with bonus code 1335).
    Put in NYSGKJKW for the code (discs with bonus code 1802).
    Put in HQOLAQEZ for the code (discs with bonus code 3687).
    Put in VJMEHNZR for the code (discs with bonus code 3803).
    Put in HSNADZYI for the code (discs with bonus code 4494).
    Put in VTFLWIIE for the code (discs with bonus code 4571).
    Put in OYKAKZJQfor the code (discs with bonus code 4707).
    Put in NXJGVUOI for the code (discs with bonus code 6068).
    Put in KRCQUYYY for the code (discs with bonus code 6266).
    Put in ZRIGBHBY for the code (discs with bonus code 7018).
    Put in DBXLYJUU for the code (discs with bonus code 8426).
    Put in DEPEXGAA for the code (discs with bonus code 9535).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Default Championships & Cars

    Put in RZUDIVLI for the code (discs with bonus code 0194).
    Put in AFRDKGIT for the code (discs with bonus code 0798).
    Put in NXJGYAMQ for the code (discs with bonus code 1171).
    Put in LRCHMRVV for the code (discs with bonus code 1335).
    Put in HZOLQCKO for the code (discs with bonus code 1802).
    Put in IHYGFPXE for the code (discs with bonus code 3687).
    Put in FRKBPWYY for the code (discs with bonus code 3803).
    Put in RZUDKZJQ for the code (discs with bonus code 4494).
    Put in NXJGXYMT for the code (discs with bonus code 4571).
    Put in KTQMDZYIfor the code (discs with bonus code 4707).
    Put in VTFLCBEN for the code (discs with bonus code 6068).
    Put in TNXEPYHV for the code (discs with bonus code 6266).
    Put in REGOYRSP for the code (discs with bonus code 6626).
    Put in TSCNJDRS for the code (discs with bonus code 7018).
    Put in NYOOTWCF for the code (discs with bonus code 8426).
    Put in LRCHBQJ for the code (discs with bonus code 9535).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock 2X Engine Power

    Put in BYHYFQWV for the code (discs with bonus code 0194).
    Put in CWVFUETA for the code (discs with bonus code 0798).
    Put in OTNUNSYX for the code (discs with bonus code 1171).
    Put in LBHXHAUV for the code (discs with bonus code 1335).
    Put in VJMECNYO for the code (discs with bonus code 1802).
    Put in KVYNPWYY for the code (discs with bonus code 3687).
    Put in NYSGFPXE for the code (discs with bonus code 3803).
    Put in BYHYWIIE for the code (discs with bonus code 4494).
    Put in OTNUDZYI for the code (discs with bonus code 4571).
    Put in NYLLXYMTfor the code (discs with bonus code 4707).
    Put in TKDSPYHV for the code (discs with bonus code 6068).
    Put in AMYKCBEN for the code (discs with bonus code 6266).
    Put in LLNWPZNW for the code (discs with bonus code 6626).
    Put in NULPUXTH for the code (discs with bonus code 7018).
    Put in LLNWUGXT for the code (discs with bonus code 8426).
    Put in LBHXBAAA for the code (discs with bonus code 9535).