Black Dawn Cheats

Black Dawn Cheats

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    To enter all of these cheats, just pause the game.

    All Weapons:Pause the game and Press: Select, L2, Select, R2, L1, L2, R1, R2.

    Get Wingman:Pause the game and Press: Select, L2, Select, R2, Square, Square, Square, Circle.

    Change Gun:Pause the game and Press: Select, L2, Select, R2, Select, Select, Select.

    Max Fuel-Ammo:Pause the game and Press: Select, L2, Select, R2, Triangle (x3), Circle.

    Mission Complete:Pause the game and Press: Select, L2, Select, R2, Triangle (x3), Down (x3).

    2 Player Mode: Press Select + R2 on both controllers at the titles screen

    Level Select: At the title screen press Left + L2 then Select.

    Invincibility: After pausing the game press Select, L2, Select, R2, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square

    5 Nukes: Pause the game and press Select, L2, Select, R2, L1, L2, R1, R2

    Missle/Rocket Upgrade: Pause the game and press Select, L2, Select, R2, L1, L1, R1, R1.

    Level Passwords
    Urban Shield 1018
    Black Out 1006
    Ice Storm 1213
    Desert Fury 0203
    Tiger Trap 0917
    Crack Down 0354