Battle Arena Toshinden 3 Cheats

Battle Arena Toshinden 3 FAQs

Battle Arena Toshinden 3 Cheats

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    Press 'LEFT' and 'TRIANGLE' or 'CIRCLE' at the same time.Each character has one or more attacks that cause them to flash white,deflect any incoming attack, and launch a powerful counter-attack.Kayin doesn't have a 'TRIANGLE' version, just press 'CIRCLE' 'LEFT'You still take damage if you're hit by an incoming attack, but youjust don't suffer any other effects from it.

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    Hold back and press 'CIRCLE' and 'TRIANGLE'.Do this whilst in throwing range and your character will grab theiropponent and pull them while turning around.Your character winds up facing the back of their opponent. handy for combos&

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    TRIANGLE' or 'CIRCLE' as hitting wall: When you are thrown horizontallyinto a wall, hitting 'TRIANGLE' will let you shoot back in a horizontalpath while attacking. 'CIRCLE' lets you land safely without the attack.

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    Hammer 'CIRCLE' after you've been bounced up into the air from an attack.This will often let you 'bounce' out of the juggle. flashing white.