Haunted Mansion Cheats

Haunted Mansion FAQs

Haunted Mansion Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by The Thizzination

    Skeleton Zeke

    Triangle, Circle, Square, and X - Play Game as Skeleton Zeke

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Invisible Zeke

    During startup just before the copyright screen HOLD A, B, L, R

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Stronger Weapons

    During gameplay HOLD Right then press X, X, Y, Y, B, B, B, A

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Pick Level

    During gameplay HOLD Right then press B, B, X, Y, Y, X, B, A

  • Xbox | Submitted by Casper_the_friendly_cheater

    Switch clothes, lights on

    On the main menu screen hold all four shoulder buttons and press "X" then choose difficulty still holding the same buttons. you will hear someone scream if done right. then anytime in the game pause the game and hold the shoulder buttons....unpause the game and you will see that Zeke has new clothes on...you can do this as often as you like but there are only three different wardrobes.

    during the game pause the game then highlight "options" hold the L1 and R1 button and hit "X" a faint scream will happen...unpause the game the pause it again..go to options and you will see there is a choice for lights on or off....choose on and you will never have to find those pesky switches ever again.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Skeleton Zeke

    During startup just before the copyright screen HOLD A, B, X, Y

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Be Invincible

    During gameplay HOLD Right then press X, B, B, B, X, B, Y, A

Haunted Mansion Hints

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jonathan Donley

    Secret of the Graveyard

    At the Graveyard, you have to find the Head's brothers. There will be alot of fake heads that are wanna bees. Now,from the begging you'll have a choice to go straight or go left. Go left and press square on the one on the left. Ok,now keep on going that way, and then you'll find 2 more heads. Choose the one on the left. Finally, you'll find three heads on the hill. Stand in front of the heads so that you see a backwards triangle. Choose the head in the upper left. If you do this correctly, lights will come on, and a huge Castle will come out of the ground.

  • Xbox | Submitted by austin hostetter

    Ballroom gusts

    In the ballroom(220 souls needed) when you beat the ghosts go to the front of the room and a gust of wind will come you need to the front of the room again so you need to let the spiders get you in their web and wait till two spiders have you the kill one and then let another one get you when you get to the top you will fight a giant spider go as far back as possible then shoot.

  • Xbox | Submitted by cheat master

    Power ups

    he power ups I've seen for the beginning shot is a three way multiple. The power shot which is also a power up on its 2nd form it is blue and very powerful. It will kill a bone spirt in 2 hits. The bome. Another power is a very good thing because it hits multiple spirits. It's second form makes red electricity jolt from the sky and strike any spirits in the area. It also freezes them witch lets you do it aging. This is all I found if any one posts something more tell me. Also I can't spell well so I am sorry If you can't read a word or it is a wrong form.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jonathan Donley

    Ballroom hint

    At the Ballroom, you will be pushed by wind. Now, what you have to do is try to get pulled by the spiders web, and when you get pulled to the spider you shoot it,and then another spider might pull you right after that. Keep recently doing this until you get to the mother spider. Hold in L1,and keep on using the powerful attacks. Eventually, you'll beat the spider and you'll have to face Atticus Thorn.One of the ways you can beat him is, to hide behind a wall, charge up your attack,and keep on shooting him. Remember, after every shot,go behind the wall and charge your attack again.